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Mompreneur Made the Perfect Mix of Hashtags

Favorite Mompreneur

Hey fellow handmade biz owners! I have someone terrific to tell you about and her latest post that will help you with the social media posts for your business. Meet mompreneur Cody from Lu & Ed!

Meet mompreneur Cody from Lu & Ed!

Meet mompreneur Cody from Lu & Ed!

Cody from Lu & Ed has long been my favorite #mompreneur. She loves her kids. Her business is awesome. Encouraging other small biz owners is something she is always finding time to do. Since December 2016, Cody has been “researching, experimenting, and perfecting the perfect mix of hashtags for a handmade business.” Not only that, she has put them into sections based on post type to make it easier for your to use the ones you need. If you have not been introduced to Cody yet or heard of Lu & Ed, you totally should. She will be your favorite mompreneur too.

Tag Bundles

“There’s a various amount of tags in each group, and several are repeated in different groups. Repeated tags are great for use on basically any post about handmade businesses! Then there are some that are highly targeted for specific types of posts, from WIP images to finished products to selfies & more! I set it up this way so you can copy & paste directly from this list into your IG posts, then add your own curated tags specific to your medium – for instance, I usually throw in tags like #monstertoys, #toystorage or #instagramkids for my Mon-stor posts.

“If you make jewelry, you will want to put in specific tags – #handmadejewelry #datenight #wedding #bridetobe #prom and so on! For drawing or painting or art makers, you will want to use specific tags like #prismacolor #penandink #drawing #watercolor and on and on. These little tag packets just help you get started!” – 100+ hashtags for handmade businesses… by Cody

Read, Bookmark, & Pin

Read, bookmark, & pin “100+ hashtags for handmade businesses, makers and small shops + tag hacks!” by Cody from Lu & Ed. You can thank me later 😉


Ashley is the naturalist homeschool mom of Emmett's Expeditions. Starting in 2013, she has created homeschool centered learning tools and apparel that encourage kids to explore nature, discover new horizons, and protect the world we live in. In addition to wildlife activity books for your children's expeditions she has a Free expedition library for newsletter subscribers.



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