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2018 Pinewood Derby: His First Trophy

This past weekend, Emmett had his first ever Pinewood Derby and won the 2nd place trophy in the pack’s race! He was so excited and can not wait to make his car even faster for the next one. I’m so glad I signed Emmett up for cub scouts. It feels like we are finally starting to settle into that rhythm of home by starting something new. Since we moved to Florida, getting into a new rhythm has been slow. There are no Tae Kwon Do schools in our area. Unfortunately I can’t seem to get a hold of the other martial arts schools in the area. (Maybe they don’t like my area code on the caller id) We miss our old homeschool group meet-ups and we started our own group. Fingers crossed that it quickly becomes an active and fun group.

2nd Place Trophy

2018 2nd Place Pinewood Derby Trophy

Pokémon Derby Winner

Another new thing for us is Pokémon. I never thought I’d have a child that was into Pokémon. For a while he’s been all about Transformers Robots in Disguise. Now, thanks to a “cute” Pikachu toy from McDonalds he’s all about Pokémon. He painted Pikachu onto the front of his derby car and made a drawing for his display box. He did a really great job and I’m proud of him. I may not really “get” Pokémon but I’m looking forward to sharing all his phases with him when he gets older. Especially moments like these when he worked so hard and won because he followed what he was interested in.

See how he got his car from a block of wood to a speedy racer on Instagram

What are some new things your family has begun?


Ashley is the naturalist homeschool mom of Emmett's Expeditions. Starting in 2013, she has created homeschool centered learning tools and apparel that encourage kids to explore nature, discover new horizons, and protect the world we live in. In addition to wildlife activity books for your children's expeditions she has a Free expedition library for newsletter subscribers.



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