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You’re Invited to Emmett’s Expeditions Adventure Club

Welcome to the Adventure Club

I’ve started a community Facebook group for Emmett’s Expeditions. All family adventurers are invited to join. We will share adventure fuel recipes, nature craft activities, checklists for adventure packs, and other tips for our kid friendly expeditions. If you join the club you can be the first to see a sneak peek of the Penguin Expedition activity book I’ll be launching this month.

Penguin Expedition Coming Soon!

Penguin expedition coming soon

What is in the Club?

Emmett loves to bake and prepare snacks. Measuring ingredients and turning food into animals (or rocket ships) are so much fun. Plus cute food tastes better. In the group, I’ll share some of our nature fuel recipes. We would love if you share some of yours too. If you have a bunch of reusable – like recycled boxes, fabric, jars, etc… then you probably love crafts as much as we do. We take lots of pictures from our DIY nature craft projects.

Emmett is also practicing writing in a blog form so I’ll be helping him with how-to articles.

You don’t have to be an experienced adventurer to join this club. Sometimes you need some tips from friends on how to get started. So I’ll be sure to include our adventure pack checklists, preparing for different types of weather, and things to look out for when exploring nature. One of my favorite parts of expeditions is the nature journaling. Blank books are a great tool to record what you see.  You can use words, pictures, illustrations, and write down questions to research later. I’ll use our nature journal spreads as examples.  If anyone wants how-to tips on nature journaling maybe I’ll start a virtual workshop.

If these topics sound like something you’d love to read and share with other adventures, you can join our Adventure Club here.

Adventure Club for Homeschoolers


Ashley is the naturalist homeschool mom of Emmett's Expeditions. Starting in 2013, she has created homeschool centered learning tools and apparel that encourage kids to explore nature, discover new horizons, and protect the world we live in. In addition to wildlife activity books for your children's expeditions she has a Free expedition library for newsletter subscribers.



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