Spring Mini Session with MeganBreeden Photography
Spring Mini Photo Session
With MeganBreeden Photography
Last month, Emmett and I met with Megan of MeganBreeden Photography for a Spring Mini Photo Session. The sitting doubled as his “6-year-old” photos since we hadn’t gotten around to them yet. I love working with Megan. She is great with kids, goes with the flow, and makes the time a lot of fun. As always, the photos turned out fantastic. Naturally, I want to share some of my favorites with all of you.
Six Years Old

Growing Up So Fast | by MeganBreeden Photography
Black & White Classic Photos
Megan is great at editing photos to add extra expression and feeling. I love how timeless black and white photos are. The absence of color creates room to focus on the moment, expression, and meaning of an image. In these photos, it doesn’t matter what color his shirt or the wildflowers were.
Sepia Heritage Photos
Sepia photos are a lot like black and white photos. They have a monochrome color set making them classic and timeless. However I think the feeling is different. With sepia photos I think of “heritage”, “roots”, and “vintage”. When my son is older, and we look back at the photos, it will add to the sentimentality of his younger years.
Mother & Son Moments
Megan also gave us the chance to have some mommy & me pictures. As a mother, it don’t get in many photos since I am usually the one behind the camera. On rare occasions I am in photos with Emmett, I really treasure them. It makes me feel present when I look back through albums. If you’re planning a photo session for your little ones, don’t forget to get a few with you. Your bond is special, and an important part of your child’s life; it should be captured in a photo or three.
Get a Photo Session with Megan
You should send Megan a message or give her a call if you live in the area in and surrounding Orange, Virginia. Her Facebook page is here: facebook.com/pg/meganbreedenphotography. On Instagram, her handle is @MeganBreedenPhotography.
what do you think?